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The Hawthorn Learning Collective team has published a series of eBooks that are available for you to download. All of the resources on this page are available for you to download for free. 

how to download these resources:

These resources are available for free download.

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Click on the image of the book or the Apple Logo to access the iBook weblink

Non apple users can access pdf versions of the books by clicking the PDF Download icon

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Digital Technology



This Journal was created to give my students a guide to the requirements for the Year 8 Digital Technology course as a part of their secondary schooling studies in Victoria. This Journal displays the knowledge required for successful completion of the course and unpacks what I require my students to understand for the related assessments. It provides resources to assist with their theoretical development and understanding and it is designed to be the one stop guide to help my students be the best they can be with their studies.

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Coding in the classroom  is not  a new concept, but it is something that is becoming increasingly important in the modern day schooling curriculum. If you search YouTube or Google you will find numerous examples of how people are using coding and robotics in their classrooms, so taking inspiration from some of the resources, I developed a series of activities that I have been using in my classroom robotics course, activities and learning tasks that I thought I would share with you. The point of these tasks are to get students working together to solve problems. To think about Algorithms, the processes behind the tasks and to work towards creating solutions to provided situations. These tasks are designed to be fun, engaging and educational and this resource is designed to walk you through the tasks and provide you with the information so you can adopt these activities or ideas into your own classroom.

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VCE year 11 (Unit 1&2)music performance

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This Coursework Journal was created to give students a guide to the requirements for their Year 11 Music Performance Studies in the Victorian Curriculum of Education. This Unit 1 & 2 Coursework Journal displays the requirements published but the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and unpacks what I ask my students to do to match these requirements. It provides resources to assist with their theoretical and analytical development as well as guides them through the performance and practical  elements of the course.It is designed to be the one stop guide to help my students be the best they can be with their studies.

vce year 12 (Unit 3&4) music performance

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This Coursework Journal was created to give students a guide to the requirements for their Year 12 Music Performance Studies in the Victorian Curriculum of Education. This Unit 3 & 4 Coursework Journal displays the requirements published but the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and unpacks what I ask my students to do to match these requirements. It provides resources to assist with their theoretical and analytical development as well as guides them through the performance and practical  elements of the course.It is designed to be the one stop guide to help my students be the best they can be with their studies.

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VCE year 11 (unit 1) style & composition

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This Coursework Journal was created to give students a guide to the requirements for their Year 12 Music Performance Studies in the Victorian Curriculum of Education. This Unit 3 & 4 Coursework Journal displays the requirements published but the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and unpacks what I ask my students to do to match these requirements. It provides resources to assist with their theoretical and analytical development as well as guides them through the performance and practical  elements of the course.It is designed to be the one stop guide to help my students be the best they can be with their studies.

VCE year 11 (unit 2) style & composition

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This Coursework Journal was created to give students a guide to the requirements for their Year 12 Music Performance Studies in the Victorian Curriculum of Education. This Unit 3 & 4 Coursework Journal displays the requirements published but the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and unpacks what I ask my students to do to match these requirements. It provides resources to assist with their theoretical and analytical development as well as guides them through the performance and practical  elements of the course.It is designed to be the one stop guide to help my students be the best they can be with their studies.

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VCE year 12 (unit 3&4) style & composition

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This Coursework Journal was created to give students a guide to the requirements for their Year 12 Music Style & Composition Studies in the Victorian Curriculum of Education. This Unit 3 & 4 Coursework Journal displays the requirements published but the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and unpacks what I ask my students to do to match these requirements. It provides resources to assist with their theoretical and analytical development as well as guides them through the composition and practical  elements of the course.It is designed to be the one stop guide to help my students be the best they can be with their studies.

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sound engineering

elements of a mixing desk

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This Journal was created to give students a guide to the requirements for one Module of their Certificate III in Music Industry (Technical Production) for their Vocational Education & Training in Schools studies as a part of their VCE. This Journal displays the knowledge required for successful completion of the module for this certificate and unpacks what I require my students to understand for the related assessments. It provides resources to assist with their theoretical development and understanding and it is designed to be the one stop guide to help my students be the best they can be with their studies.

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elements of a p.a. system

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This Journal was created to give my students a guide to the requirements for one Module of their Certificate III in Music Industry (Technical Production) for their Vocational Education & Training in Schools studies as a part of their VCE. This Journal displays the knowledge required for successful completion of the module for this certificate and unpacks what I require my students to understand for the related assessments. It provides resources to assist with their theoretical development and understanding and it is designed to be the one stop guide to help my students be the best they can be with their studies.

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analogue vs digital sound

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This Journal was created to give my students a guide to the requirements for one Module of their Certificate III in Music Industry (Technical Production) for their Vocational Education & Training in Schools studies as a part of their VCE. This Journal provides resources to assist with their theoretical development, aural recognition skills and understanding and it is designed to be the one stop guide to help my students be the best they can be with their studies.

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effects & signal processors

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This Journal was created to give my students a guide to the requirements for one Module of their Certificate III in Music Industry (Technical Production) for their Vocational Education & Training in Schools studies as a part of their VCE. This Journal provides resources to assist with their theoretical development, aural recognition skills and understanding and it is designed to be the one stop guide to help my students be the best they can be with their studies.

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