presentation & facilitation
The Hawthorn Learning Collective team has had the honour of being asked to present and facilitate at a variety of different conferences.
A list of presentations and areas of expertise are provided below.
These lists are designed to demonstrate our skills, knowledge and experience in the education sector, to strengthen credibility around the publication of educational resources and journal articles.
Monash University (Faculty of Education)
Introduction to Music in the Victorian Certificate of Education
Introduction to Music as a Vocational Education & Training study.
Department of Education & Training - Regional Instrumental Music Teacher Conference
Coordination of a Music Program​
Organising and running a Music Tour
Teacher Learning Network
An introduction to digital learning​
HITS Strategies - Setting Goals & Structuring Lessons
The Practice Principles - A Positive Climate for Learning
Basics of Technology in the Classroom
Pastoral/Welfare Teams and how they can assist you
HITS Strategies - Questioning & Feedback
Comprehensive Program - Differentiated Teaching (3 Sessions)
Graduate Top 10 Tips for Parent Teacher Interviews
An introduction to the creation of eBooks
FLIPPED Learning
CRT Conference - Basics of Coding in the Classroom
Exploring and Unpacking iTunes U as a Learning Platform
Areas of expertise
School Leadership​​
High Impact Teaching
Primary Literacy and Numeracy
​Digital Technology in the Classroom: FLIPPED Classrooms, STEM, STEAM and Coding
Student behaviour, classroom and student management and Student coordination
​Vocational Education & Training in Schools (VETiS)
Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL): Work Related Skills, Personal Development
Secondary School Music Education: Year 7 to 10 Music, VCE (Performance, Investigation, Style and Composition), VET (Business, Music industry - Sound engineering, Performance)​